13 Tips on How to Improve Hotel Sales In 2024 [Complete Guide]

13 Tips on How to Improve Hotel Sales In 2024 [Complete Guide]

No matter if it’s peak season or off-season, your main goal as a hotel owner is to fill more rooms, get more money, and boost profits.

We know how hard it can be to boost hotel sales, especially with so much competition today.

Usually, hotels have sales teams that work on strategies to improve room sales and increase revenue.

To reach your full revenue potential, you need to use effective strategies to improve hotel sales in the changing hospitality market.

That’s why we’ve put together 13 proven tips to help you improve your hotel sales and increase revenue.

Let’s explore how you can do this. 

Why are Hotel Sales Important?

Hotel sales activities are important because they help you:

  • Drive Revenue: Selling hotel rooms is crucial because it increases hotel revenue. More revenue allows you to provide the service guests expect and helps your hotel grow.
  • Enable Growth: Before offering extra packages, excursions, and luxury upgrades, you need to master selling rooms.
  • Create a Positive Atmosphere: Prioritizing room sales helps create the lively environment guests expect. An almost empty hotel can be off-putting.
  • Balance Business Needs and Guest Experience: While providing a comfortable stay is key, remember you’re running a business. Effective sales strategies should balance guest satisfaction with the goal of booking as many rooms as possible.

But how can you improve your hotel sales?

Let’s get through these practical steps to help you skyrocket them today.

13 Strategies on How to Improve Hotel Sales Today

1. Direct Booking Hotel Sales Strategy

Usually, putting focus on your social media strategy and building your brand can help you increase bookings of your recurring guests.

But what if they need to book their room offline?

Research from a Meetingsbooker report found that venues spend about 47 minutes handling an offline meeting booking request, which is an absolute waste of time. 

Direct bookings are the best for hotel operators because they bring in the most money for you while simplifying the booking process.

With direct hotel sales strategy, the main goal is to get as many guests as possible to book their room online directly on your website. 

Simply, there are no agents or other partners who need to be paid a commission when a guest books directly online.

By using online tools and booking engines that allow direct booking on your website, you can simplify your sales process and let your team focus on more detailed and complex tasks.

Pro tip:

With OTA Sync’s booking engine you can offer your guests option to see live availability and rates along with special offer to boost your direct bookings straight from your website.

Simply implement it and connect it with your website, set your offer and the information you want to provide your guests with, and you’re ready to go.

2. Ensure Your Website Works Smoothly

A good website experience is crucial for travelers. 

Nothing kills their excitement faster than a slow, confusing, or complicated site.

Since direct bookings are so important, your website should be a top priority.

Here are some quick tips to ensure your hotel website is optimized for smooth direct bookings:

  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your hotel website is mobile-friendly for users browsing on smart devices and tablets.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Optimize your website’s loading speed to prevent potential guests from bouncing off due to slow performance.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Make sure your website is easy to navigate, with clear menus and intuitive layouts.
  • High-quality Visuals: Include high-quality images and videos on your website to showcase your hotel’s rooms and amenities.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Include prominent “Book Now” buttons and clear calls-to-action to encourage visitors to make a reservation.
  • Responsive Support: Offer responsive customer support through live chat, email, or phone to assist visitors with any questions or concerns they may have during the booking process.
  • Secure Booking Process: Implement secure payment gateways and reassure guests about the safety of their personal information.

Note: You can use PageSpeed Insights to check your website’s performance and identify places that can be improved for a better user experience.

Pro tip: 

With OTA Payments, you can get a fully integrated payment gateway that helps you process transactions with just a single click on your website.

Whether it’s a flexible or a non-refundable reservation, the payment process is easy, no matter the payment processor that you use.

It’s built with the industry’s highest security standards in mind, helping you reduce the risk of fraud, theft, or manual errors.

3. Group Hotel Sales Strategy

Getting group reservations in your hotel is something that every hotel owner dreams about, as they’re definitely more profitable and bring more money.

But that’s not all.

Focusing on group sales for your hotel has different benefits:

  • Groups are likely to pay a higher rate for rooms during the high season and are more likely to book during the off-season, ensuring steady revenue year-round.
  • When private groups, companies, friends, etc., book together, it reduces work for your operations team, and groups are less likely to cancel. 

The aim is to sell rooms and meeting spaces to corporate groups, and it’s important to provide a good offer for both.

Here are some tips to have in mind and increase the effectiveness of this strategy:

  • If you have event space, you can offer packages that include both room blocks and event space. 
  • Reach out to event planners for private and corporate events, and make a contact with them to promote these bookings. 
  • Set special cancellation policies for group bookings, like requiring a down payment to block rooms, which helps prevent cancellations.

To secure these types of bookings, you need to be creative, but it can be very helpful for getting repeat business. 

Pro tip:

With OTA Sync, it’s easy for you to create reservations for any company.

All you need to do is fill in the data about the company, or you can import the CSV file, and you’re ready to go.

4. Revenue Management Sales Strategy

This type of hotel sales strategy aim is to maximize the number of rooms booked at any season and period of the year, compared to the typical travel traffic.

A revenue management sales strategy usually requires hotel operators to lower room rates during the low season to encourage more bookings while raising rates during high-traffic times.

During these moments, guests are willing to pay more for a room, so raising prices to generate more revenue per room is worth it.

Note: Make sure to adapt your promotional strategy according to the trends, season, and to provide your users with special offers to maximize the number of bookings

5. Build Local Partnerships

If your hotel isn’t far away or secluded, there should be other local businesses you can work with.

Partnering with local businesses like tourist spots, restaurants, and shopping centers can help bring more guests to your hotel. 

These partnerships can help no matter how the visitor plans their trip – even if they book their accommodation first or plan their itinerary before picking a hotel.

Here’s how you can partner with local businesses to get benefits on both sides:

  • Find Relevant Businesses: Look for local businesses that would attract your hotel guests. This includes tourist spots, restaurants, shopping centers, and transport services.
  • Reach Out: Contact these businesses and introduce yourself and your hotel. Explain them the benefits of a partnership with you and how it can help both parties. For example, you can promote their business to your guests, and they can promote your hotel to their customers.
  • Offer Exclusive Deals: Create special deals or packages that your partners can offer only to guests who come only through the partner’s business, discount code, etc. This can encourage guests to book at your hotel and also consider the partner’s business.

Pro tip:

Partnering with influencers is a great way to boost hotel revenue. 

Travel influencers are changing how people search for and plan trips, according to kolsquare

But you shouldn’t work with any influencer out there.

Work with influencers whose followers match your target guests. 

Their genuine recommendations will increase engagement, bookings, and brand awareness.

6. OTA optimization

Online travel agencies(OTAs) such as Airbnb, Booking.com, Hotels.com, TripAdvisor, etc., are powerful platforms that can help you increase your hotel visibility and generate more bookings globally.

How to maximize their potential?

By properly optimizing the listings on those platforms.

Here are some crucial tips to have in mind when it comes to optimizing your listings:

  • Generate attractive headlines to hook the guests
  • Provide high-quality photos of your property
  • Create detailed and engaging descriptions
  • Include up-to-date information about your hotel’s services and amenities
  • Manage your availability effectively to make sure you don’t miss on potential guests
  • Provide rates and reviews to make your hotel more visible

OTAs do charge a commission, that’s a fact. 

But they can also help you drive a significant number of bookings, making them a huge part of your hotel sales strategy.

Discover our guide on how to get more bookings on Airbnb to optimize your listing and generate more guests.

Pro tip: 

Listing your vacation rental on other sites, such as Airbnb, Booking.com, Expedia, Hotels.com, etc., can increase its visibility. 

OTA Sync channel manager helps you manage all your listings from one place.

Just connect and synchronize your OTA channels, and you’re ready to go.

7. Upselling and Cross-selling Hotel Strategy

A classic hotel sales strategy to boost revenue when occupancy rates are low is up-selling and cross-selling.

The extra money your guests spend can help offset those empty rooms. 

Encourage spending at your hotel, but don’t be too pushy because the guest experience is still the most important factor.

You could give guests a free drink voucher for your hotel restaurant to encourage them to dine in and spend more money there. 

Or suggest adding extras to their stay like beauty and massage treatments, shuttle transfers, or local tours, which can bring you a commission.

Examples of up-selling opportunities you can consider implementing:

  • Offering room upgrades at discounted rates during the booking process or at check-in to increase the guests’ bill.
  • Providing guests with special deals or packages for additional services such as tours, spa treatments, or room service.
  • Promoting extra amenities or activities available on your property, such as a pool, fitness center, or events like live music nights.

Pro tip: With OTA Sync’s upselling extras, you can provide your guests with personalized experiences, optimize menu pricing, and attract them with upsells while driving more revenue to your hotel.

8. Leverage Online Reviews

A good reputation online is a really important way to sell hotel bookings.

Having good reviews on the internet can greatly help your hotel get more bookings and make more money. 

Putting good reviews on your website can also help you get bookings without using other websites. 

Here are some tips for managing online reviews effectively:

  • Claim Your Listings: Claim your hotel’s listings on popular review sites like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google My Business. This lets you respond to reviews and update your listing with correct information.
  • Set Up Alerts: Set up alerts for new reviews so you can respond quickly. Use email notifications or a reputation management tool that collects reviews from multiple sites.
  • Respond to Reviews: Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, in a professional and polite way. Thank guests for positive feedback and address any concerns or complaints. This shows that you value guest feedback and are committed to improving their experience.
  • Fix Issues Raised in Reviews: Use feedback from reviews to find areas where the hotel can improve, like cleanliness, maintenance, or service.
  • Encourage Reviews: Encourage guests to leave reviews by including links to review sites in post-stay emails, on your website, or in promotional materials. This can help increase the number of reviews and give a more accurate picture of the guest experience.

9. Build Relationships Through Loyalty Programs

Even though the travel industry is changing, with more focus on independent travel to unique places, there is still a niche for repeat travelers.

As a hotelier, you should target your sales strategies towards these repeat guests.

Loyal guests are very valuable to your hotel, so make sure to appreciate them.

To attract repeat guests, consider using reward schemes like discounts for return visits, special loyalty packages, or discounts for referrals.

Today, lots of travelers, especially millennials, like earning rewards from the companies they use.  

Examples of loyalty programs include:

  • Reward points for each stay can be used for future discounts or free upgrades
  • Exclusive discounts and deals only for loyal members
  • Personalized perks like early check-in/late check-out, welcome gifts, and more.

Reward programs often bring back guests again and again, which is great for hotels and implementing it can be a great way to increase your hotel revenue.

10. Be Present at Tourism Events and Conferences

With rapid changes in the accommodation industry, increased competition, and even a global pandemic, promotions are now essential.

Being present or hosting unique promotions and events can be a great strategy to boost your hotel sales.

Sometimes, lowering rates or offering discounts is necessary to attract new guests, especially if your target market has changed. 

Here are some examples of hotel promotions and special events that you can implement:

  • Hosting a seasonal or themed event, like a holiday-themed buffet or a summer pool party, etc.
  • Offering discounted rates for last-minute booking guests to help you fill empty rooms.
  • Collaborating with local businesses to create package deals that offer extra value for guests, such as a hotel stay plus, massage, or tickets to a popular attraction.

This can help you increase sales during tough times, and offering deals like these can make your property affordable and appealing, which will help you get repeating guests consistently.

11. Use Social Media Marketing To Boost Reach

Using social media effectively can greatly boost your hotel’s revenue and increase sales.

Did you know that in 2023, about 4.9 billion people used social media worldwide, and this number is expected to reach 5.85 billion by 2027?

Not being present there is like your property and business don’t even exist.

So, how to use their full potential?

Here are some tips to keep in mind and consider implementing:

  • Use platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to promote your hotel, showcase its amenities, and promote special offers and promotions.
  • Engage guests and potential guests with eye-catching content, 
  • Share user-generated posts and make the most of real-time interactions on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
  • Run contests, answer questions, and 
  • Share behind-the-scenes looks in your hotel, etc. 

These strategies help build a sense of community, helping you natively promote your hotel offer and encourage direct bookings.

12. Invest in Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing is a type of digital advertising that shows ads to people who have already visited your site or left during booking. 

There are many reasons a potential guest might not book right away, but remarketing helps keep them interested.

Besides that:

  • It’s a great way to connect with potential guests at different stages of their decision-making process. 
  • If they didn’t book the first time, remarketing gives you another chance to close the deal.
  • Remarketing campaigns can help you improve hotel sales and achieve your marketing goals. 

By showing ads to people who have previously engaged with your website or social media, you can reconnect with potential customers who didn’t make a purchase the first time around. 

It’s important to have a clear goal for your campaign, decide where and how often you want to retarget and use platforms like Google AdWords or Meta to execute your plan.

13. Utilize the Technology to Automate Tasks

Did you know that only 8% of guests feel comfortable using a public kiosk for check-in? 

However, research from Criton shows that 80% of hotel guests would use a hotel app for contactless tasks like remote check-in. 

And there are even more needs that guests would love to have while on vacation.

For example, brands like Marriott and Wyndham have added mobile check-in and mobile room keys to their apps.

On the other hand, Google and Volara partnered to offer contactless experiences in hotel rooms with an in-room voice assistant, allowing guests to:

  • Control lights, 
  • Control TV, 
  • Alarms, and 
  • Contact the front desk with voice commands. 

The era of digital transformation in hotels is happening, and staying ahead of the curve and the competition is essential.

That’s where technology can help.

Making sure you provide users with the best service possible can be a game changer for your business.

Improve Your Hotel Sales with OTA Sync Today

Updating your hotel sales strategies during changing times will help your business thrive and prepare for the future, reducing stress along the way.

Trying and testing new tactics now will give you valuable insights into your hotel’s future, allowing you to focus on other challenges when things settle down.

Increasing hotel sales means always coming up with new ideas. 

No matter the situation, as a business, you should keep updating and improving your sales strategies to stay competitive.

And with great tools supporting your hotel growth, it will be easier to manage your business and drive sales.

That’s where OTA Sync comes into the game.

OTA Sync’s channel manager and property management software lets you manage all your listings, bookings, tasks, finances, and guest communications from one place.

Besides providing full-house property management, OTA SYNC provides you with robust guest management solutions.

Moreover, it enables you to sell your services and products via the booking engine or add any additional service or amenity you offer to your guests.

Briefly, it helps you automate your complete hotel management process.

Interested to give it a go?

Start with OTA SYNC free trial to discover how it can help you boost customer satisfaction while increasing your hotel’s revenue.

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