What Is Revenue Per Available Room Revpar And How It Is Used

What Is Revenue Per Available Room Revpar And How It Is Used

Understanding and optimizing revenue performance is essential to thrive and succeed. Among the various KPIs paramount for hotels, RevPAR stands out as a fundamental metric providing valuable insights into your hotel’s revenue-generating efficiency.

But what is RevPAR, and how does it influence revenue management strategies?

Read on to learn more about this crucial metric and its impact on your hotel’s financial health.

Let’s dive in!

What Is RevPAR?

RevPAR is a key performance metric in the hospitality industry that evaluates a hotel or property’s financial performance. 

There are 2 ways to calculate RevPAR:

1. By dividing total room revenue by total rooms available during a specific period.


2. By multiplying your hotel’s average daily rate (ADR) by its occupancy rate.


Both methods produce identical results, and the one you choose usually depends on the available data.

Either result will provide a snapshot of your hotel’s revenue performance per room, show its financial health, and show how effectively you monetize your available room inventory.

For example, if your hotel’s total room revenue was $100,000 in a given month and you have 100 rooms available for booking, then Rev PAR would be $1,000.

This means that, on average, each available room in the hotel generated $1,000 in revenue during the specified time.

RevPAR is a valuable indicator of your hotel’s revenue-generating capacity and overall operational efficiency. 

It evaluates occupancy and average daily room rates, providing insights into the hotel’s pricing strategy, demand forecasting, and market positioning.

ADR,  RevPAR, and Occupancy Rate: What Is The Relation?

ADR (Average Daily Rate), RevPAR, and Occupancy Rate are KPIs that assess financial performance but focus on different revenue generation aspects.


Occupancy Rate shows the percentage of rooms occupied during a specific period.

Average Daily Rate (ADR) calculates the average room rate you charge for occupied rooms in a specific period (such as a day, week, or month).

It helps you understand how much revenue you generate on average from each booked room.

While ADR focuses solely on the average room rate and revenue generated from occupied rooms, RevPAR provides a more comprehensive view by considering both room rates and occupancy levels. 

RevPAR vs. RevPAR Index

RevPAR index is a metric that compares your hotel’s RevPAR performance against a benchmark or a set of competitor hotels. 

It helps you assess how well your property generates revenue relative to your competitors or the market average.

RevPAR Index = (Hotel’s RevPAR / Market’s RevPAR) x 100

Hotel’s RevPAR is the Revenue Per Available Room of the hotel, while Market’s RevPAR is the average RevPAR of a group of competitor hotels or the overall market average.

Thus, the RevPAR index provides insights into your property’s competitive position in the market. 

However, although a RevPAR index above 100 indicates that the hotel is outperforming the market, it isn’t set in stone.

For example, if a budget hotel has midscale hotels in its comp set, a RevPAR index below 100 can also indicate success.

Why RevPAR Matters?

RevPAR is one of the most crucial metrics in the hotel industry for several reasons:

  • Revenue Generation — Directly reflects how effectively a hotel generates revenue from its available room inventory. 
  • Performance Evaluation—Tracking RevPAR trends can help you identify growth opportunities, optimize pricing strategies, and make informed decisions to maximize profitability.
  • Competitive Benchmarking—Comparing a hotel’s RevPAR to industry benchmarks and competitor performance helps evaluate its market position. 
  • Operational Efficiency — Indicates a hotel’s operational efficiency in managing room inventory, pricing, and revenue streams to identify inefficiencies, adjust strategies, etc.
  • Strategic Planning — Helps you understand demand trends, pricing dynamics, market positioning, and revenue management strategies to stay competitive.
  • Investor Confidence—RevPAR is a key metric that investors, stakeholders, and financial analysts use to evaluate a hotel’s financial health and investment potential.

Where Does RevPAR Fall Short?

Although RevPAR is an invaluable metric, it’s not omnipotent and has some areas where it may fall short.

Limited Focus

RevPAR primarily focuses on room revenue and doesn’t take into account revenue generated from other sources, such as 

  • Food and beverage, 
  • Spa services, 
  • Parking, or 
  • Conference facilities. 

Consequently, this limited focus may not provide a comprehensive view of your hotel’s overall revenue performance.

Occupancy Rate Impact

Changes in occupancy rates, room rates, or a combination can influence RevPAR.

Therefore, fluctuations in RevPAR may not always accurately reflect underlying demand trends or pricing strategies.

What’s more, it makes it challenging to isolate specific factors affecting revenue.


Revenue Mix

RevPAR doesn’t differentiate between revenue you generate from different room types or rate categories. 

So, if you run a hotel with a diverse room mix, you may have varying revenue contributions from different room types, which RevPAR doesn’t account for.


Seasonal Variations

RevPAR calculations may not account for seasonal variations in demand, pricing fluctuations, or special events that can impact revenue generation.

This may lead to distorted insights into the hotel’s overall revenue performance throughout the year.

Benchmarking Challenges

Comparing RevPAR across different hotel properties or markets may be challenging due to differences in:

  • Property size, 
  • Location,
  • Amenities, 
  • Target markets, and 
  • Pricing strategies. 

Thus, benchmarking can be less precise and may not provide a true apples-to-apples comparison.

Market Dynamics

RevPAR may not account for external factors such as economic conditions, changes in market demand, shifts in the competitive landscape, or trends in consumer behavior.

However, all of these can impact your hotel’s revenue performance beyond room revenue alone.

While RevPAR is a valuable tool for assessing room revenue performance and overall occupancy efficiency, it’s essential to complement this metric with additional KPIs.

Only then you’ll be able to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your property’s financial health, competitive position, and revenue diversification strategies.

What Are Alternatives to RevPAR?

Other valuable “per room” metrics you should also take into account are:

  • TrevPAR (Total Revenue per Available Room) — Shows the hotel’s total revenue per room.

Unlike RevPAR, it includes additional revenue streams but doesn’t consider any input costs, meaning it won’t show the ultimate profit.

  • ARPAR (Adjusted Revenue per Available Room) — Shows how much profit each room brings you, including variable costs and additional revenue.

Although it includes variable costs, it doesn’t include fixed ones. Thus, you can’t use it to measure your hotel’s overall profitability. 

  • GOPPAR (Gross Operating Profit per Available Room) — Shows your total revenue minus gross operating expenses.

It shows you how much money your hotel actually makes, making GOPPAR an essential performance metric.


How to Boost RevPAR?

Optimising RevPAR is paramount for maximizing revenue at the most profitable rates.

All the additional ways you can leverage to improve RevPAR further fall under 1 big category: Yield management.

This pricing strategy optimizes revenue and profitability by dynamically adjusting room rates based on factors such as:

  • Demand, 
  • Market conditions,
  • Booking patterns, and 
  • Inventory availability. 

The goal of yield management is to maximize revenue by selling the right room to the right customer at the right price and time.

In order to achieve that, it relies on a few key principles and strategies.

  • Dynamic Pricing — Adjusts room rates in real-time based on demand fluctuations, seasonality, events, booking patterns, and competitor pricing.
  • Segmentation —Targets different customer segments with tailored pricing and promotional offers to optimize revenue from each segment.
  • Forecasting — Uses historical data, market trends, etc., to predict future demand and adjust pricing strategies and inventory allocation accordingly.
  • Inventory Management — Manages room availability and controls room inventory by selling the right rooms at the right prices based on demand and booking patterns.
  • Promotions and Packages — Includes targeted promotions, packages, and upsells to increase revenue, attract specific customer segments, and drive bookings during low-demand periods. 
  • Channel Management — Optimizes distribution channels, OTAs, direct bookings, and marketing channels to reach a broader audience and drive bookings.
  • Data Analysis —Uses analytics tools and performance metrics to track KPIs, monitor revenue trends, analyze booking patterns, etc. 

🎁 Bonus: 3 Common RevPAR Mistakes You Should Avoid

As we’ve already said, a lower RevPAR and RevPAR Index doesn’t immediately mean your hotel doesn’t perform well.

However, it is good to keep tabs on the mistakes many hoteliers like you make:

1. Neglect Direct Bookings

Although presence on OTAs and other distribution channels can help you gain visibility relatively fast, don’t underestimate bookings from your website.

The commission fees they charge can significantly affect your RevPAR. Thus, create a healthy balance and allocate only some rooms to OTAs.

Besides saving on costs, providing online booking makes it easier to communicate with your guests and improve their experience.

2. Underselling Rooms

It is a common mistake to charge less for a room to drive more guests. Although it can pay off sometimes, you can also decide to charge more and have fewer guests.

In addition, you can increase the room’s value by including add-ons or extras, such as airport pick-up and spa services.

3. Overspending

Try to reduce hotel operating costs by reducing food waste, doing preventative maintenance, and being sustainable.

Monitoring costs closely will indicate where you save money without compromising service quality or guest experience.

How to Improve your RevPAR with OTA SYNC?

OTA SYNC is an all-encompassing hotel management system that streamlines everyday hotel operations and provides solutions to:

  • Maximize your revenue
  • Diversify your revenue streams
  • Save time and money due to rich automation features.

In addition, it helps you enhance the guest experience and satisfaction via the Guest App that provides quick check-ins, tailored recommendations, upselling opportunities, etc.

But how can OTA SYNC improve your RevPar?

🔥 Update room availability, rates, and bookings in real-time to efficiently control room distribution and avoid overbooking or underselling.

🔥 Offer special packages, promo codes, discounts, etc., to retain loyal guests but also attract new ones.


🔥 Increase direct bookings through a user-friendly Booking Engine that allows guests to check room availability, view pricing, and complete secure bookings in real time.

🔥 Optimize the distribution of hotel room inventory across various online channels, OTAs, etc.

🔥 Leverage dynamic pricing and change prices depending on demand and seasonality.

🔥 Avoid manual errors and monitor all the properties and rooms across all channels on a unified calendar.


And the list goes on.

Enticed to give OTA SYNC a try?

Start with OTA SYNC for free to boost your RevPAR efficiently.

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